Thursday, November 08, 2007

Film project week -1

The count-down is on. I have decided to blog about the project, it can't take too much time, can it? And it will provide a break in the work.

Um, I have 2 job interviews coming up, one in each direction I have been looking at going. And there is a third direction on a road less traveled.

I'll see what these 2 places have to say, and give them a fair shot. But I admit my heart is with the third. It is times like these when I wonder what people do who do not have convictions, or faith, or feelings.

I guess they act prudently. Well-spoken, Nicolo.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Okay I'm ready

This is going to be a new kind of entry. I will get back to the autobiographical journal later on I guess.

I am making this film, right? I've been reading up and everything.

What is your take on SLC and the straight edge phenomenon?

- Sam